How to Clean Your Closet: 4 Simple Steps and More Tips

a woman holding folded clothes on her hands next to a closet

Maintaining an organized closet can seem like a never-ending task. Yet, with the right techniques, it could become an easy habit. Let’s delve into the practical steps to conduct a thorough closet overhaul and see how to clean your closet.

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Assessing the Need for Closet Cleanout

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It’s crucial to identify when your closet needs decluttering. Here are some clear signs:

  1. You own multiple copies of the same item.
  2. Many items don’t fit you anymore.
  3. You frequently encounter stained, torn, or faded pieces.
  4. Your closet doors struggle to close.
  5. You have piles or extra storage for the overflow.

Frequency of Closet Cleanout

A woman holding a vacuum towards a white empty closet
Cleaning of a closet

Regular closet cleanouts can keep your wardrobe manageable. An expert suggestion is to apply the one-year rule—If you haven’t worn an item in the past year, it’s probably safe to let it go. Cleaning your closet annually can prevent the buildup of clothes, shoes, and accessories. However, semi-annual, weekly, or as-needed cleanouts can keep your closet clutter-free.

Step-by-Step Guide to Efficient Closet Cleanout

Step 1: Inspect Your Inventory

How to clean your closet shelves full of folded clothes
Inspect your inventory

Start by removing every item from your closet. Evaluate each item’s condition, fit, style, and how often you wear it. Discard items that are ripped, stained, discolored, or missing a pair. Retain basics like neutral tops and tanks. For sentimental items that you seldom use, consider storing them in a labeled box or tote in another area to free up closet space.

Step 2: Dispose Responsibly

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Recycle your gently used items responsibly. Donate items in good condition that don’t fit or match your style to local charities or sell them to consignments. A pro tip for staying motivated to donate is to maintain a donation bin in your closet. Once it’s full, donate the contents.

Step 3: Organize Seasonally

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Organize your closet based on seasons. Store out-of-season items like swimsuits or winter sweaters in another place. Swap them out when the season changes.

Step 4: Optimise Storage

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Customize your storage solutions to fit your needs. Invest in shoe organizers if you have more shoes than coats. Don’t overlook hooks, drawer organizers, and stacking trays for accessories and jewelry. Consider installing a custom closet system to maximize your space.

If you’re on a budget, replace your mismatched hangers with slim, space-saving velvet hangers.

How to Clean Your Closet Fast and Easy

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How to clean your closet: 4 simple steps and more tips 22

Cleaning your closet can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by removing all the clothes from your closet. This allows you to assess your inventory and determine which items you need to keep, discard, or donate.

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Next, consider making clothing donations. Not only does this help clear up space, but it also allows your unwanted items to serve a good cause. Donating to charities can benefit those in need, and you can also consider having a yard sale or selling online.

Finally, organize the remaining items in your closet by type and color for easy access. With these simple steps, you’ll have a clean and organized closet in no time.

Tips to Maintain a Clean Closet

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Once your closet is organized, it’s easier to keep it that way. Keep everyday items within reach and out-of-season or special-occasion pieces at the back. Implement a one-in-one-out policy—every time you buy a new piece of clothing, get rid of an old one. Labeling shelves or bins can help you put things away in their proper places.

How Often Should You Clean Out Your Closet

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How to clean your closet: 4 simple steps and more tips 24

Maintaining a tidy wardrobe is essential for easy access and efficient use of space. A regular closet cleanout is recommended at least twice a year, ideally during the transition between seasons.

This allows you to review all your hangers, ensuring they are in good condition and effectively utilized. During the closet cleanout, outdated or unused items can be discarded or donated, creating more room for new or seasonal clothes.

Similarly, storage containers should be cleaned and reorganized during these sessions to ensure they contain only items in use and are free from clutter. Hence, regular closet cleanouts maintain order, promote efficient use of space and ease the process of getting dressed daily.

Embrace Minimalism

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Consider creating a minimalist capsule wardrobe. Choose 33 items, including clothing, shoes, jewelry, and accessories. Box up the rest and revisit it in 3 months. This simple experiment can redefine your relationship with clothing, emotional spending, and decluttering.


How to Clean Your Closet Step by Step

Cleaning Out Wardrobe

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How to clean your closet: 4 simple steps and more tips 26

Cleaning out a wardrobe can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for maintaining an organized and functional closet. The process often entails going through every item, including old clothes and t shirts, and deciding whether they still have value or utility.

A successful closet clean requires careful sorting, the ability to part with items that are no longer used or needed, and a methodical approach to reorganizing the space. This process is also a great opportunity to donate old clothes and t shirts that are still in good condition but no longer serve your needs.

Ultimately, a thorough closet clean can transform a cluttered wardrobe into a streamlined and efficient storage system.

Women’s Closet Clean Out

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Next week presents an excellent opportunity for women to participate in a closet clean out. This activity not only helps in decluttering and organizing your space but also gives you a chance to review your clothing type preferences.

It’s common to come across clothing that is gently worn, barely used, or even forgotten. These pieces can be donated, sold or swapped, giving them a second life.

A closet clean out is not only beneficial for personal organization but also promotes sustainability in fashion by reducing waste. So, mark your calendars for next week and prepare for a productive session of sorting through your gently worn clothing.

How to Clean Out My Closet

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How to clean your closet: 4 simple steps and more tips 28

Start by removing all your clothes from the closet and create a giant pile. This will give you a clear overview of the items you own.

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Next, sort through this pile and categorize your clothes into ‘keep’, ‘donate’, or ‘discard’ piles based on their condition and how frequently you wear them. Take time to clean the closet space before reorganizing your ‘keep’ pile back into the closet.

This methodical approach can make the processes of cleaning out your closet less overwhelming.

How to Clean Your Closet

Three rattan storage baskets on a shelf aboce a closet
Storage bins

Cleaning your closet is an essential task that can save you time and stress in the long run. Begin with the first closet step by emptying it completely to identify unwanted items. These could be clothes that no longer fit, are out of style, or simply don’t bring you joy anymore.

Once you have sorted through your belongings and decided what to keep, organize the remaining clothes and other stuff in a way that makes sense for your daily routine. This might mean grouping by color, type of clothing, or season.

Donate or sell unwanted items to free up space and keep your closet tidy.

How to Clean Closet

A popular method to use when cleaning out your closet is the one year rule. If you have not worn an item in over a year, it’s time to consider letting it go. This rule aids in decluttering and making room for new items.

Donated clothes do not go to waste either; they can be given to local charity wear. Not only will you have a cleaner, more organized closet, but you’ll also be helping those in need.

How to Clean Out Your Closet and Let Go

Cleaning out your closet can be a rejuvenating and rewarding process if approached with the right mindset. Start by emptying your wardrobe completely, this will give you a clear view of the space and help you visualize how to organize it effectively.

As you sort through your items, ask yourself if they still spark joy. If they don’t, it might be time to let go. Items that no longer serve your style, fit, or lifestyle should be donated, sold, or responsibly recycled.

Remember, the goal of cleaning out your closet is not just to create space, but also to curate a collection of clothes that truly reflects and enhances your personal style.

How to Go Through Your Closet

Going through your closet may seem daunting, but it can be a simple task if done methodically. Start by taking out everything, including your shoes and jeans. This will give you an idea of the space available and help you identify items that haven’t been worn in a while.

As you rehang your clothes, turn the hangers in the opposite direction. In a few months, any hanger still facing the opposite direction is an indication that the item hasn’t been worn.

This is an effective way to decide what to get rid of. The goal is to maximize your closet space and keep it well-organized.

How to Clean Out Your Wardrobe

Cleaning out your wardrobe can be an overwhelming task, however, with the right approach, it can be tackled effectively. The ultimate guide to this process involves a systematic approach. Start by emptying your wardrobe completely.

This makes sense as it allows you to see all your clothes and accessories at once. Sort these into three piles: keep, donate, discard. Be ruthless in this process, if you haven’t worn something for a year, consider letting it go.

Once sorted, arrange the ‘keep’ items back in the wardrobe in an organized manner. And there you have it, your wardrobe is now cleaned out and organized.

How to Clean Out Closet and Get Rid of Clothes

Cleaning out your closet and getting rid of clothes can be a daunting task but with a strategic approach, it can be easier. Start by emptying your closet completely. Then, sort your clothes into four piles: keep, donate, sell, and trash.

This systematic approach allows you to assess every item based on its condition, your style preference, and the last time you wore it. Those that no longer fit your style or are worn out should be donated or discarded. You may also choose to sell high-quality items that no longer serve you.

This method aligns with the Marie Kondo method, advocating for keeping only items that bring joy and contribute positively to your style.

How to Go Through Clothes in Closet

Organizing and cleaning out your closet can be a daunting task. However, it is essential to avoid decision fatigue when getting dressed. Start by emptying your closet so that you can see all of your clothing items.

Evaluate each piece and decide if it’s still in good condition, fits well, and aligns with your current style. If you’re holding onto items that you haven’t worn in over a year, it may be time to let them go.

Remember, the goal is to have a closet filled with clothes you love, which will make getting dressed more enjoyable and less stressful.

How to Clean Out a Closet of Clothes

Cleaning out a closet full of clothes can be a daunting task, but with the right tips, it can be made manageable. Start by emptying your closet onto the floor. This will give you a clear view of what you have and what needs to go.

Then, sort items into categories: keep, donate, and discard. Items that are still in good condition but no longer needed can go into the donate bag, while worn-out items can be discarded. Clean the closet and drawers thoroughly, getting into the nitty gritty of corners and crevices.

Once everything is clean, arrange your remaining clothes neatly back into the closet and drawers.


In essence, a closet cleanout doesn’t have to be a dreaded task. With a practical guide, some commitment, and a dash of fun, you can transform your overflowing wardrobe into a decluttered, organized space.

Whether you choose to adopt a minimalist approach with a capsule wardrobe or simply strive to maintain your newly organized closet, remember that less is often more.

How do I completely clean my closet?

To thoroughly clean your closet, start by removing all items. Clean the surfaces, vacuum the floor, and evaluate each item before returning it. Donate or discard items you no longer need.

What should I purge from my closet?

Consider purging items that no longer fit, are in poor condition, or haven’t been worn in the last year. Remove duplicates and items that don’t align with your current style.

What is the rule of 3 I swear by for cleaning out my closet?

If you haven’t worn it in the last 3 months, if it doesn’t fit your body, style, or make you feel good, consider letting it go.

How can I make my closet look better?

Use matching hangers for a cohesive look, organize clothes by type or color, and keep the floor clear. Consider using storage bins or baskets for accessories.

What is the fastest way to clean out a closet?

Set a timer for a specific duration, like 30 minutes. Quickly decide on each item—keep, donate, or discard. Focus on the most cluttered areas first.

How do I deep clean my wardrobe?

Empty the entire wardrobe, wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth, vacuum or clean the floor, and check for signs of pests or mold.

How do you clean a dirty wardrobe?

Dust and wipe down surfaces with a mild cleaner, use a vacuum attachment for corners and address any odors by placing an open box of baking soda inside.

How to do a wardrobe cleanout?

Set aside dedicated time, sort clothes into piles (keep, donate, discard), and try on items to assess fit and style.

How do I clear out my wardrobe?

Follow the “keep, donate, discard” process. Donate items in good condition and discard worn-out or damaged items.

How often should you clean out your wardrobe?

Aim for a seasonal cleanout, approximately four times a year. Reassess at least once a year to maintain an organized wardrobe.

What is the best way to purge your closet?

Be honest with yourself about what you wear, keep versatile and timeless pieces, and donate or sell items that can find a new home.

What is the rule for cleaning out closets?

Follow the “one-year rule”: If you haven’t worn it in a year, consider letting it go.

How do I decide what clothes to get rid of?

Consider fit, condition, and current style. Remove items that no longer align with your lifestyle.

How often should you go through your closet?

Aim for a thorough review at least twice a year. Regularly reassess as seasons change.

Where do I start cleaning out my closet?

Begin with one category (e.g., tops, bottoms) or a specific area (shoes, accessories).

What do you get rid of when cleaning out a closet?

Get rid of items that no longer serve you, discard worn-out or damaged pieces, and eliminate duplicates.

What should you purge from your wardrobe?

Purge items that no longer fit or suit your style. Remove anything damaged beyond repair. Discard items you haven’t worn in a long time.

How do I declutter my wardrobe?

Remove items that don’t bring you joy or serve a purpose. Keep a well-curated collection of versatile pieces.

How do I get rid of clothes and clean my closet?

Donate gently-used items to charity, sell valuable pieces online, and recycle or discard damaged items.

How do you purge clothes in a closet?

Set specific criteria for what stays and what goes. Sort items into piles for keeping, donating, or discarding.

How do I declutter my closet?

Remove items that no longer fit or suit your style. Organize clothes by type or color for a visually appealing look.

How do you purge a closet?

Set aside dedicated time for the task. Assess each item quickly and make decisive choices.

How do I declutter clothes?

Sort clothes into categories. Consider the versatility of each piece.

How do I minimize my clothes in my closet?

Embrace a minimalist mindset. Keep only what you love and regularly wear.

How do you clean a closet full of clothes?

Take everything out and clean surfaces. Sort through items methodically. Organize and arrange items neatly.

How do I clean my closet in 15 minutes?

Focus on one small area or category. Quickly decide what stays and what goes. Put items back in an organized manner.

How often do you clean out the closet?

Aim for a thorough cleanout at least twice a year. Regularly reassess to maintain order.

How often should I clear out my wardrobe?

Consider a seasonal cleanout, around four times a year. Reevaluate at least annually.

What should I get rid of when cleaning out my closet?

Remove items that no longer serve your needs. Discard damaged or worn-out pieces. Donate or sell items in good condition.

Jessica holden

Experienced Executive Assistant with a demonstrated history of working within the furniture industry. Skilled in furniture styling, visual communication, project management, and proficiency with Adobe Creative Suite. Strong arts and design professional with a (BA) Creative Direction for furniture design focused on Industrial Design from School of the Art Institute of Chicago.